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Guillermo Tella


Resume of the main recent academic and professional backgrounds.

Personal details

He was born in July 1965 in Buenos Aires (Argentina), the city in which he has been living since then with pride and fascination.

Academic education

He is an Architect graduated in the University of Buenos Aires in 1991. He has taken postgraduate studies in Urban and Regional Planning in Buenos Aires and in Metropolitan Land Use Planning in Madrid.

He has finished his Doctorate Higher Studies in the University of Buenos Aires and attained in 2011 the academic degree of Philosophy Doctor (PhD) in Urban Planning. The thesis is entitled: Prêt à Porter Cities: Strategies for planning mutation territories”.

In addition, in 2012 developed the Postdoctoral Program in Social Sciences and Humanities of the Center for Advanced Studies, National University of Córdoba (Argentina). The thesis is entitled: “The Rebuilding of the Outskirts. Discursive establishments regarding Great Buenos Aires”.

Since 2023, he has been developing the Postdoctoral Program in Psychology and Social Sciences, taught within the framework of the Faculty of Psychology and Social Sciences of the University of Flores, with the thesis titled: “Rethinking the territory as an interweaving of ways of living: A systematic review”.

University activity

He has been Professor and Researcher since 1989. At the University of Buenos Aires, he is a professor of “Urban Planning” and 2Cities to Build”; and supervises research projects in the Superior Institute of Urbanism.

Moreover, too since 2005 he carries out academic activities in the Institute of the Conurbation in the University of General Sarmiento. And from 2016 he directs the Laboratory of Metropolitan Interventions of the University of Flores and is Academic Secretary of the Interuniversity Program of Doctorate in Architecture and Urbanism (Argentina).

Professional experience

In his professional experience, he takes part and coordinates the development of strategic plans and of urban ordinance and local development for public as well as for socio-urban and environmental consulting firms. Among them, the following stand out:

2023-2025: Vice President of the Strategic Planning Council of the City of Buenos Aires (elective and honorary designation).

2021-2023: Executive Director of Strategic Planning Council of the City of Buenos Aires (reelect for elective and honorific designation).

2021-2022: Executive Director of the “Urban Development Plan of the Municipal District of Mercedes, Province of Buenos Aires (Argentina)”, National University of General Sarmiento (UNGS) and Federal
Investment Council (CFI).

2021-2022: Executive Director of the “Urban Development Plan of the Municipal District of Epuyén, Province of Chubut (Argentina)”, Civil Association “Territorio Sur” and Federal Investment Council (CFI).

2019-2021: Executive Director of Strategic Planning Council of the City of Buenos Aires (reelect for elective and honorific designation).

2017-2019: Executive Director of Strategic Planning Council of the City of Buenos Aires (reelect for elective and honorific designation).

2017-2018: Chief Coordinator of the Study “Urban Development Plan for City of Mar del Plata”, Center for Urban and Regional Studies (CONICET) and InterAmerican Development Bank (IDB).

2016-2022: Councilor (elected) of the Urban Environmental Plan Council (CoPUA) of the Government of the City of Buenos Aires.

2015-2017: Executive Director of Strategic Planning Council of the City of Buenos Aires (elective and honorary designation).

2014-2015: Coordinator of the Study “Spatial planning, Management strategies and Regulatory Updates for Different Argentine City Councils”, Ministry of Interior and Transport of the Nation.

2014-2015: Coordinator of the Study “Territorial dynamics in ´Alto Valle´: Situation analysis and design management strategies”, Strategic Planning Area, Cámara Argentina de la Construcción.

2013-2014: Coordinator Social Dimension of the Strategic Planning Council of the City of Buenos Aires, Leadership of Government, City Government of Buenos Aires.

2012-2013: Coordinator of the Study “Analysis of Traffic in Intermediate Cities. Case studies in Argentina”, National Agency for Road and Journalists Association of Traffic and Transportation Security
of Argentina.

2010-2013: Coordinator of the Strategic Development Territorial Plan of the Municipal District of Balcarce, Province of Buenos Aires; DINAPREI-IDB Interamerican Development Bank.

2008-2009: Coordinator of the Urban and Regional Ordinance and Local Development Plan of the Municipal District of Lobos, Province of Buenos Aires; DINAPREI-IDB Interamerican Development Bank.

2006-2007: Coordinator of the Physical Dimension and Transport of the Council of Strategic Planning, Government of the City of Buenos Aires.

2003-2005: Technical Coordinator of the ‘Buenos Aires Belt Road Program’, AUSA Autopistas Urbanas S.A., Government of Buenos Aires.

2000-2002: Coordinator of the ‘Base Studies of the Urban and Environmental Plan’, Secretary of Urban Planning, Government of the City of Buenos Aires.

1998-1999: Technical Assistance ‘Metropolitan Territory Ordinance’, Municipal Management Office of Urbanism of the City Council of Madrid.

1996-1997: Technical Assistance ‘Socio-territorial Diagnosis of Greater Rosario’, Federal Institute of Municipal Affairs of the National Ministry of the Interior.

1993-1995: Technical Assistance “Operation of Geographic Information System (GIS) for Urban Studies of the Greater Buenos Aires”.

Awards won

2024: First Prize in the “Recommended Chairs” contest as “Best Chair in Urban Planning” in the Architecture program of the Facultad de Arquitectura, Diseño y Urbanismo, University of Buenos Aires.

2021First Prize in the Libertador Prize, XXIII Edition, on the theme “Urbanism, Equity and Human Rights”, organized by the Rotary Club Libertador Recoleta (City of Buenos Aires, Argentina).

2021First Prize. National Urban Ideas Contest “Public Space and Mobility of the Central Area of the City of Resistencia”, with: K. Montauti, E. Vergara, A. Falú, L. Castillo y S. Francisco. It was organized by: Federación Nacional de Entidades de Arquitectos.

2019First Prize. Papers Contest “A Basin to be Discovered”, with: J. Choi, L. Corbalán, M. De Sousa, R. Di Corrado y M. Larumbe. It was organized by: Autoridad de Cuenca Matanza Riachuelo, Universidad Nacional de Lanús; and Ministerio del Interior de la Nación.

2018First Prize. Provincial Urban Ideas Contest ´Transportation Planning in Tigre Centro (Buenos Aires Province)’, with: E. Vergara, A. Coppo, D. Rodríguez Díaz y V. Micou. It was organized by: Colegio de Arquitectos de la Provincia de Buenos Aires (Argentina).

2018Distinction received for the work carried out in the preparation of the law proyect of “Urban Development Code of the City of Buenos Aires”, by the Government of the City of Buenos Aires.

2016Prize Buenos Aires Biennial of Architecture and Urbanism for the research work “Urban scars post-dictatorship: Spatial order and social control in the periphery of Buenos Aires”.

2014: Distinction obtained as `Best Programa` because journalism performed on the radio program “Zona Urbana”, LRS837 Radio Universidad 91.7 FM “La Uni”.

2011Distinction obtained in the V Forum organized by Com:Plot ‘City Code’, held in Guadalajara (Mexico), based on his studies made in Buenos Aires city.

2004: First Prize. Buenos Aires Biennial of Architecture and Urbanism for the research work “A Crack in the City: Ruptures and Continuities in the system of centralities of Buenos Aires’.

2002First Prize. Prize “Mercociudades de Ciencia y Tecnología’, City of Buenos Aires, for the research work “Environmental Diagnosis of the Metropolitan Area of Buenos Aires. Systems of Environmental Information”.

2000: First Prize. Buenos Aires Biennial of Architecture and Urbanism “From Suburbia to Post-Periphery: Effects of a Late Modernization in the Metropolitan Region of Buenos Aires”.

2000Journalistic Labor. Award granted by the Honorable Academic Council of the Faculty of Architecture, Design, Arts and Urbanism of the University of Morón, for raising awareness of Architecture and Urbanism.

1997Silver Medal. Annual Prize of Architecture and Urbanism of the Architects’ Association of the Province of Buenos Aires, for the research work “Study on the Urban and Environmental Impact on the Coast of San Isidro”.

Published books

As a result of this theoretical production and professional practice, he has published numerous science and outreach works on the processes and effects of the metropolitan transformation. Among the main books published –some co-authored– the following stand out:

2023: Paisajes de borde: Repensando el territorio como construcción simbólica de lugar

2022: Ciudad Pomelo: Miradas diversas de estudiantes sobre lo urbano

2021: Paisaje urbano: Estrategias para intervenir un Riachuelo en ciernes

2020: Construir la periferia: Procesos, mecanismos y derechos en la ciudad de borde

2018: Plan de desarrollo urbano para la ciudad de Mar del Plata

2017: Mercedes: experiencia urbanística. Ciudades para Armar

2017: Plan Estratégico Balcarce 2020: Instrumentos y proyectos para la gestión

2016: Precariedad urbana y reproducción social en la construcción de la ciudad

2015: Espacio, poder e identidad: Hacia un estatus urbano de lugar

2014: Planificar la Ciudad: Estrategias para intervenir territorios en mutación

2013: Plan Estratégico Balcarce 2020: Ciudad inclusiva, región integrada

2009: Buenos Aires. Albores de una ciudad moderna

2007: Un crack en la ciudad. Rupturas y continuidades en la trama urbana de Buenos Aires

2006: Hacer ciudad. Los desafíos de un proyecto colectivo

2005: Investigación e Interdiseño. Hacia un enfoque integrado de desarrollo sustentable

2001: Del suburbio a la post-periferia. Efectos de una modernización tardía en la región metropolitana de Buenos Aires

1999: Diagnóstico Socioterritorial de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires. Buenos Aires y su contexto metropolitano

1999: La ciudad de Buenos Aires en el sistema metropolitano. Diagnóstico y prospectiva

1994: Política municipal y espacio urbano. Buenos Aires 1880/1910

1990: Uso político de la arquitectura argentina. 1880-1930
