Formulation of strategic objectives orientated towards urban intervention.
Towards a strategic plan
for a more efficient, equitable and competitive city.
The dominant problem
- Cities go through an accelerated growth process which draws the regulatory frameworks in force to a crisis.
- Local governments tend to undertake an important series of actions which do not reach enough public visibility.
A solution generated
- The formulation of a strategic plan will allow defining actions to be undertaken and ordering them in the medium and long term.
- The process for building consensus will turn the city fairer and more efficient, equitable and competitive.
The opportunity it offers
- The plan will offer more coherence and visibility to the administration, and will define a horizon for growth reached by consensus in the short and medium term.
- The plan will place the municipality regionally in the global scenario shaped by networks of strategic planning of local governments.
Why now and not later?
- Because, today, the city needs to place itself in a competitive position and, for that purpose, it must define and agree the course of its growth.
- Because with basic agreements it will be able to capitalize political spaces for the immediate launch of a participative process.
What results are obtained?
- A space of efficient administration for decision-taking and the development of executive programs and projects for action.
- A powerful instrument of political negotiation which favors the orientation and promotion of public and private investments.