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Guillermo Tella

In focus

Reflections on processes of territorial structuring of the city.

Los orígenes del Zoning
El primer escenario del urbanismo moderno

La ciudad crece y lo hace aceleradamente. Y mientras ese crecimiento se produce, nuevas herramientas comienzan a surgir en busca de un nuevo orden, de una nueva regulación en términos de estética, de salubridad y de seguridad urbanas. En esa lógica, emergen criterios particulares de actuación que definen un primer escenario

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Ganar la calle!
Buenos Aires: ciudad abierta, movilidad en crisis

Ganar la Calle

La capital de Argentina tiene aproximadamente 13 millones de habitantes a nivel metropolitano, que realizan unos 24 millones de desplazamientos diarios. La ciudad propiamente dicha tiene 2.8 millones en 200 km2. La relación entre la infraestructura y el entorno natural es tema histórico de preocupación

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Building Social Parks
A proposal for urban nodes of inclusion in the area of Abasto in Buenos Aires

Construir Parques Sociales

The area of Abasto in the city of Buenos Aires has historically developed within an open urban fabric in which streets, corners and the square have been civic instruments of social cohesion. However, in recent decades, there have appeared processes that break those patterns of growth through fortified enclaves

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The irruption of the towers
Intensive land exploitation in the metropolitan peripheries

La irrupción de las torres

The intensive exploitation of low-occupancy urban areas is a vector that allows to enquire the logics that works in the construction of the city. Many of the real new estate products, such as ‘high-rising buildings’, are born within the context of a process of market

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The first scenery of the urban zoning
Buenos Aires: the dawn of the modern city

El primer escenario de la zonificación urbana

Through the years, zoning has established itself as one of the most powerful urban planning instruments which, from the point of view of building regulation, has been able to operate over a precisely delimited territory –stemming from the concept of division into zones–, so as to strengthen the intrinsic characteristics

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The effects of a late modernization
The case of metropolitan region of Buenos Aires

Efectos de una modernización tardía

This work is centered on the study of the territorial structure of the metropolitan region of Buenos Aires (Argentina) in order to examine the dramatic urban changes associated with the transformations in the global economy and, in general, with the “post-modernization” of urban life and society

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Renewal strategies and urban development
The case of the waterfront of Puerto Madero

Estrategias de renovación y desarrollo urbano

Since its foundation, the port of Buenos Aires –showing its back to the central area, on the estuary of the River Plate– has been one of the main links of the national economy for more than four centuries, channelling the exportation of raw materials and the importation of elaborated products

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Urban codes vs. the city planning
Or the disagreement between theory and practice

Códigos urbanos vs. planeamiento de la ciudad

Nowadays, the city is going through processes as much conflictive as important. It´s the cosmetic surgery will let it display certain elegant profiles, but its treatment does not contemplate very important problems. The city has already got a notice of city under construction. Since a few months ago it has been undergoing

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